When you make the choice to work with PKL Services, you choose to work with a company that believes in more than just “doing the work”. At PKL, we are committed to our customers and partners – to provide the best possible service at a fair price.
PKL has become synonymous with successful contract completion. We consistently receive positive CPARs and customer accolades. We maintain a high retention rate on our contracts and a minimal to no-cost overrun on contracts, ensuring the customer stays happy and that our company retains positive relationships with the customer.

Our teams integrate into the culture and community of our customers. From US-based operations to foreign customers, PKL employees are valued for their cultural awareness and adaptability in unique environments.
PKL has worked with customers around the world and in various states of readiness. We are determined to see our customers achieve success in their missions and make that a mission of our own.
This dedication is recognized and frequently acknowledged publicly by our customers, including this instance where the Squadron included PKL employees in their annual photo.