Archive for 2023
December 19, 2023
For over a decade, PKL has developed and delivered Leadership Training programs to the military, government agencies, universities and community colleges, and corporations. PKL’s program is unique as it views, and teaches, leadership, as a master craft requiring life-long pursuit. The first task in this master craft is developing the right paradigm of leadership; seeing the world as a leader sees it, and seeing oneself as a leader. By reflecting on leadership virtues and maxims, we constantly tap into timeless, classic wisdom—truths that have and always will stand the test of time. Peak Excellence is at once an aspiration, a vision, an end state, and a habit. To become champions in any field, we must create catalysts of excellence within the group, and once ignited, they must be sustained through deeply engrained mechanism to sustain peak output.
These mechanisms of Peak Excellence, to be truly enduring from year-to-year and generation-to-generation, must be anchored on trust.
Finally, leaders must attract top performers, achieve peak performance, and create enduring excellence. This commitment to peak performance must become a “talent strategy;” a philosophy underpinning all aspects of the company.
Leaders must develop the mindset and discipline to commit to strategic clarity; to anchor themselves and their groups on key actions and key targets that confidently pull the organization into a changing future.

For example, our Executive Leadership Course is delivered over 1.5 weeks (8 training days), with a combination of instruction, workshops, and case studies, designed to highlight the core learning objectives.

To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
December 6, 2023
PKL’s uses a multi-phase national recruitment effort to recruit and retain qualified applicants to support our contracts. The PKL Human Resources (HR) team has extensive experience recruiting, screening, selecting, hiring, assigning, administering, and retaining qualified personnel who have the skill sets of those required for each contract. The PKL HR Department has successfully completed dozens of phase-in transitions world-wide with quality, integrity, and affordability.
PKL leverages our incumbent employees’ substantial aircraft-specific knowledge and experience. With a fully trained and manned maintenance, operations, logistics, and training program, PKL minimizes risk and increases benefits to our customers through an uninterrupted contract startup and smooth continuation of services.
Occasions will arise for unforeseen personnel replacements. When these occur, our dedicated recruiting team uses a phased recruiting approach to acquire new personnel. Our recruiting team ensures the qualifications meet or exceed the mandatory skill requirements and qualifications detailed in each Performance Work Statement (PWS). The Table below outlines our three-phased progressive recruiting process.

PKL also uses a variety of recruiting sources, as outlined below, to recruit quality personnel.

PKL always provides the best-qualified candidates for the contracts. Our hiring standards are determined by using an in-depth pre-employment screening process for all potential employees. Each resume is screened by our HR Manager and Recruiter on a first-round basis to verify the applicant meets all required position qualifications including on-the-job experience, training requirements, and has an excellent command of English reading and writing skills:
Qualified resumes are then passed to PKL’s Contract Manager who interviews the candidate to determine the candidate’s suitability to work with the customer and to verify the applicant’s qualifications. These qualifications include:
- Have held the required technical/functional designation for the position, with experience matched to the position requirements
- Hold or readily obtain any special certifications, such as aircrew currency and type rating and NAS 410 certification for NDI and welding
- Each candidate will have the experience, technical and communication skills necessary to provide a thorough understanding of the maintenance and training objectives
- Any Team PKL employee being hired who will sign off a Red X symbol shall have a minimum of five years of aircraft maintenance experience including a minimum of one year of maintenance experience on any aircraft which the maintenance task was performed
- Candidate personnel applying for aircrew or simulator/platform instructor positions are further screened by PKL’s Lead Pilot/Lead Simulator Instructor to ensure the candidate possesses and demonstrates the highest qualifications and attributes.
To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
December 1, 2023
We are honored to see our CEO, Mike Naylor, featured in the prestigious SD500 List from the San Diego Business Journal. The SDBJ defines the SD500 List as “the influential members of the San Diego business community who shaped how the region has grown over the years”. We are grateful for the SDBJ recognizing Mike for his ongoing impact. PKL has been based in San Diego County since its founding in 2003 and, as we continue to grow and evolve as a company, our commitment to the San Diego region remains steadfast.
November 20, 2023
PKL can offer our commercial aviation customers a Virtual Aerodrome Lab (VAL), which uses immersive technology to reach a potentially unlimited audience of students regardless of geographical location. PKL offers this one-package solution for virtually immersing students in a comprehensive airfield environment without regard to physical classroom environment, location, or proximity to aviation facilities. We use virtual simulation for various positions correlated in the virtual environment.

- Training Capabilities. Our VAL can be easily customized to meet specific needs for vocational training of students to become aviation professionals. It consists of COTS components easily installed in training schools for classroom or remote access.
- Simulation for Role Playing. The training system allows roles and scenarios to be simulated for the purposes of airport flight operations, airport emergency preparedness and crisis simulation.
- Hands-on Training for Emergency Situations. A key benefit of the VAL is the ability to create contingency situations. The VAL can simulate emergency drills such weather, safety, ground traffic, or pre-/post flight discrepancies. Students will have to react to these types of situations, and practice protocols through real-time role-playing.
- Distributed Training. The VAL is a distributed training system connecting multiple stations (in classroom or remotely) over a shared network, allowing stations to participate in the same training scenario.
- Instructor Controls. The Instructor Station UI serves as the central point of control for the VAL. The instructor is provided functionality to create scenarios by defining the weather conditions, ground conditions, time, wind direction and flight schedule.
- Terrain and Visual Database. Each scenario created in the system is associated with a specific airport/airfield. The terrain and visual database typically contain data for the following:
- Main Buildings and Hangars
- ATC Tower, Runways, and Taxiways
Our VAL Training Solution is designed as a remotely accessible, networked learning delivery program that appeals to the needs of today’s learners as shown below:

To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
November 8, 2023
PKL’s Contract Management philosophy benefits our partners by attaining two key objectives:
- Meeting mission requirements through the provision of highly skilled technicians and instructors
- Responsiveness and compliance with all Performance Work Statement (PWS) requirements
Meeting mission requirements is our highest priority. PKL is deeply committed to the continued development of technicians and the general workforce through disciplined instruction.
Our clients gain significant benefit from our organizational structure that provides the exact capabilities requested by the customer’s needs. With our management and workforce in place, our clients derive immediate benefit from mature relationships, established lines of communication, and extensive experience gained from working together. This enables smooth transitions devoid of any disruption in service.

PKL Contract Management teams are cost effective, lean, agile, and versatile with straightforward lines of communication. This structure has proven extremely efficient and effective at communicating with the United States Government (USG) Contracting Officers (CO’s). We hire the most talented managers, and encourage them to use their knowledge and experience. This environment promotes initiative, self-sufficiency and creative problem solving.
The PKL Contract Manager (CM) can provide the Aviation Program Team (APT) and designated personnel full support and access to facilities, work areas and data as required by their official duties, and will self-report any potential violations to the CO and APT office.
Our Program Management Office (PMO) Team manages our supported contracts with an organization tailored to respond to current and future customer needs.
For over two decades, PKL’s built-in quality control processes have resulted in continuous performance improvements, with each new contract providing additional opportunities for further enhancements.
Our Program Manager and Section Leads, through daily communications with our customers and Contracting Office Representatives, have created a next-generation mindset. Following are examples of our forward-leaning innovation strategy:
- Cost Savings Initiative: Reduced full-time employees by moving existing back shop Aircraft Structural Maintenance (ASM) employee to the Aircraft Maintenance Unit (AMU) to fill the new position in the AMU and delete the position in the back shop
- Training Initiative: Convened a Bi-Annual Training Review Conference hosted by PKL to evaluate all aspects of aircrew performance
- Basic Course Syllabus adjustments and updates
- Instructor Course adjustments and updates
- Weapons Instructor Course adjustments and updates
- QMS Initiative
- AS9110c certification
- Provides access to the best practices of the aerospace industry
- Demonstrates a commitment to deliver quality products and services to our customers
- Reduces operating costs, improves timeliness
- Additional personnel (4) to perform Quality Control Inspector duties at PKL expense
- Dedicated commitment to meeting all PWS requirements in an outstanding manner
For one of our larger international customers, PKL implemented 141 Processes Improvement initiatives, demonstrating a dedication to innovation, risk reduction, process efficiencies, and quality service to our customer. Our Contract Management staff and leadership continue to push the boundaries of successful performance.
To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
October 26, 2023
We are proud to share that PKL’s owner, Sam Flores, was honored on Oct 19th, 2023, by the SDPD SWAT Team with them naming the new SWAT Training Facility in his honor. Sam has been an avid supporter and financial contributor to the San Diego SWAT team for years. This honor took Sam by surprise but was well-received. The team revealed the new signage with SWAT team members rappelling down the wall to uncover the sign.

Pictured here are Sam Flores, with the Chief of the SDPD, Chief Nisleit, and PKL Board Member Johnny Cochran.

October 25, 2023
For our partners who fly and maintain the T-56 Engine, PKL has developed a comprehensive training course for engine mechanics. The purpose of this contract is twofold:
- Provide a comprehensive familiarization class (“Fam Class”) on Gas Turbine Engines in general, as well as Quick Engine Change (QEC), in particular;
- Provide three (3) highly skilled US C-130 T56 Instructors to provide daily, over-the-shoulder/on-the-job (OJT) training to technicians for the period of one month.

The objectives of this Course are to enhance technicians’ capabilities in the following areas:
- Concepts, theories, operations, best practices, and proven procedures for the T-56 engine;
- Increase knowledge of and expertise in engine QEC;
- Increase engine maintenance and repair skill proficiency;
- Increase trouble shooting expertise (fault isolation, fault detection)
- Understand how to complete the installation of a QEC kit; and
- Be capable of preparing an engine for aircraft installation.
PKL’s instructors deliver an initial two-day “Fam Class” and then, after the class has been taught, the they dedicate their time to daily OJT. The initial “Fam Class” will establish a solid baseline of knowledge and then, during the ensuing month-long OJT, our instructors will be able to observe and document the students’ performance and offer on-the-spot training, mentorship, and guidance. Though the “Fam Class” is designed as an initial scene setter, the class (in whole or in part) can be used any time during the month of OJT, whenever the technician(s) require re-familiarization or additional classroom-based instruction. The combination of classroom knowledge and OJT will improve the technicians’ skill, performance, and capability.

The course focuses on the following areas:
1. Theory of Operation of Gas Turbine Engines
1.1 Gas Generator Section
1.2 Combustion Section
1.3 Power Turbine Section
1.4 Accessory Drive Components
1.5 Turboprop Theory
2. Engine Preservation Theory
2.1. Prevention of Damage
2.2 Levels of Preservation
2.3 De-preservation
3. Quick Engine Change Install (Lab/Practical Application)
3.1 Engine Logbooks and Serialization
3.2 Engine Hardware and Wiring Harness Installation
3.3 Accessory Component Install
4. Engine Test Cell Run Preparation (Lab/Practical Application)
4.1 Leak Checks and Component Security
4.2 Quality Assurance Inspection
5. Post-Test Cell Review
5.1 Performance Metric Review
5.2 Post Test Cell Run Leak Check and Component Security (Lab)
5.3 Inlet/Exhaust Cowling Installation
To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
October 11, 2023
To ensure success of employees on our contracts, PKL is committed to a comprehensive employee training program. Our training program begins on the first day of employment with an in-depth onboarding process. Our program allows new employees to adjust to the cultural and performance aspects of their jobs quickly and learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors to function effectively within the organization.
PKL uses a comprehensive performance review system to determine the employee’s strengths and areas for growth and to identify the individual’s training needs.
Once our employees arrive at the work site, they are scheduled for Orientation to provide the employee important and necessary information to acquaint the employee with their new environment. We have developed this training package over time and it has evolved into an efficient, high-impact event.
We have created a talent pipeline through a targeted recruitment process consisting of building a Talent Management Database of relevant, highly qualified candidates. Our database enables us to meet customer staffing needs within 30 days from vacancy requirement.
This allows us to save significant time and costs associated with time-to-hire which, in turn, provides us with informed hiring decisions. This database provides pre-qualified candidates that can ensure continuity of services during absences due to voluntary or involuntary termination of employment.
PKL encourages a culture of enthusiasm and partnership that enables us to attract and retain highly talented and motivated team members. Our management culture promotes employee initiative and participation.
PKL employees are highly encouraged and expected to identify and generate innovative approaches to accomplish tasks, functions, and requirements within the scope of the PWS/contract.
We create a harmonious work environment by giving our personnel “ownership in the process” where they are encouraged to use their skills in qualitative continuous process improvement events.

To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
September 25, 2023
At PKL, we know that Training efficacy will have a significant impact on business performance and returns – which is why we created a modern solution for Workforce Training. We have crafted a “Pathfinder Workshop” Dynamic Simulation Modeling Methodology to explore the contribution of training as a value-driver in the modern workplace.
Proven Results of Our Process
- McDonnell-Douglas production efficiency
- EG&G quantum improvement in strategy
- Boeing winning C-17 high-volume contract
- Boeing superior logistics for C-17
- Merck “Best product launch ever”
- BP Pipeline “Only analysis that got it right”
Our Value Proposition to our customers is this: We can deliver an Analytical Framework helping them implement a “Workforce Training and beyond” approach, anchored on a collaborative de-risking method to deliver improved Performance-to-Cost relationships. Our framework centers around designing, building, and operating next-generation workforce development.
We anchor our partnering around three core elements:
- Pathfinder Workshops (Optimizing and de-risking tools, starting with Training)
- Defining the customer support ecosystem
- Developing customer service alternatives (Base, Intermediate, Advanced training packages)

We apply ISO design procedures using the following incremental buildout:
- Step One: Pathfinder Workshop (model training design outcomes)
- Step Two: Map the Workforce (skill and training requirements baseline)
- Step Three: Develop Instructional Curriculum (technical procedures)
- Step Four: Develop Simulation Courseware (CBT, AR, VR, ALDS)
- Step Five: Implement System (acceptance testing and delivery)
In our training design, we will demonstrate how to use System Dynamics modeling to assess the effects of Workforce Training on production and performance (by moving from inexperienced to experienced labor) and quantify how these variables directly impact cost outcomes.

To learn how we can work together please visit us at or email us at
September 21, 2023
We are proud to be recognized, for a second year in a row, as a top company for providing quality work-life balance for our employees. At PKL, we know our greatest asset is our employees and ensuring they have a stable balance between work expectations and personal time is integral to their happiness and all of our success.

If you’re looking for an opportunity to work with a company that offers better work-life balance, you can check out our available job openings here:
This award was based solely on the independent and anonymous feedback of many employees throughout PKL. Awarded by Comparably, survey results were compiled on during a 12-month period and compared with hundreds of other companies. The work-life balance award is based on the responses to questions related to satisfaction with work-life balance, average hours worked per day, breaks, and employee sentiments on burn out.
You can view the whole list of Top companies with the best work-life balance here.
Comparably is a leading workplace culture and corporate brand reputation platform with over 15 million anonymous employee ratings on 70,000 companies. With the most comprehensive data on large, medium, and small business organizations in nearly 20 different workplace categories – based on gender, ethnicity, age, experience, industry, location, education – it is one of the most used SaaS platforms for employer branding and a trusted third-party site for workplace culture and compensation.
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