Archive for 2017
October 23, 2017
Citizens for SWAT began raising funds and support for the San Diego Police SWAT team in 2005. Last year, PKL and our owner, Sam Flores, generously donated to the annual fundraising golf tournament and we are proud to support the event again this year.
A number of PKL personnel attended the golf tournament and dinner to show our support for this community organization.

This year, the SWAT team was eager to raise funds to purchase a robot that would help them gain better intelligence on scene and even be able to open doors without needing to send in officers immediately.
To find out more about Citizens for SWAT, visit their website.
August 8, 2017
PKL’s owner, Sam Flores, made a significant contribution to the USS Rafael Peralta (DDG 115) Commissioning. The commissioning took place on July 29th, 2017, however, other events in support of the commissioning occurred over multiple days.
PKL was honored to have a number of our Corporate staff in attendance at multiple events, including a reception on the 28th and the commissioning event on the 29th.
At the Chairman’s Reception, Sam Flores, Paddy Gough, and Mike Naylor were honored to meet the late USMC Sgt. Rafael Peralta’s mother, Mrs. Rosa Maria Peralta.

For those PKL employees who attended the commissioning of the USS Peralta, a Flight IIA DDG 51 Class Destroyer, it was a memorable event.

Photo credit: Phil LaDouceur (DVIDS)

Photo credit: Phil LaDouceur (DVIDS)
August 3, 2017
Earlier this year PKL was awarded the San Diego Chamber of Commerce Honor Roll for hiring veterans. We are very proud of our veteran-dominant workforce (we consistently employ over 90% of our workforce as former military).
In July, the San Diego Regional Chamber graciously awarded us the title of 2017 Member of the Year for the Veteran’s Honor Roll. Our CEO, Terry Robling, was invited to receive the award at the 71st Annual Flag Ball, hosted by the Chamber at The Prado in Balboa Park, and presented to us by Philip Dana and Jerry Sanders.
Our award was the only award presented that evening and we are honored to have been recognized by the Chamber. We also greatly appreciate the value they see in our military veterans serving our community beyond their military careers.
(Photo credit: San Diego Chamber of Commerce)

May 5, 2017
Sam Flores, the owner of PKL, graciously donated 12 new 308 sniper rifles to the San Diego SWAT Sniper Team.

PKL and Mr. Flores have previously supported the SD SWAT Team and we are proud to support this latest contribution to San Diego law enforcement.
The rifles were presented to SWAT Sniper Team members at the Poway Indoor Range, where the range was also opened up to Mr. Flores and others, allowing them to test their skills with the new firearms.

March 30, 2017
We are grateful to the service our military members provide and understand the challenges many of them face upon leaving the military. Companion pets and service pets provide a significant value to these veterans and PKL is proud to support Patriots and Paws with their annual fundraiser to help place more deserving veterans with much needed companions.
PKL provided a sponsorship to cover a foursome in the annual golf charity event. We wish all the golfers a great round and hope to see some wonderful results from this fundraiser.
February 28, 2017
PKL Services, Inc. is performing as a subcontractor with AVMAC, LLC who was recently awarded a firm fixed price Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business set aside contract (number M6700117P0002) on 15 February 2017 to perform MV-22 Aircraft Maintenance services for VMMT-204 located at MCAS New River, NC. This contract has a total performance period of one year with full performance beginning 27 February 2017.
AVMAC and PKL will provide Scheduled and Unscheduled Organizational Level Aircraft Maintenance Support Services to the United States Marine Corps (USMC) MV-22 Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS), Marine Medium Tiltrotor Training Squadron 204 (VMMT-204), at MCAS New River, NC. This work will be performed by 70 skilled and qualified artisans of which 22 will be PKL employees. The scope of the contract encompasses aircraft maintenance functions of Phase, Corrosion Control, Maintenance Control, and Aircraft “0” Level Maintenance support. The VMMT-204 mission is to train aircrew on the MV-22B aircraft and the AVMAC/PKL Team’s most important objective is to provide safe, flyable aircraft to execute the unit’s daily flight schedule.
PKL Services, Inc. was established in 2003, is headquartered in Poway, CA, and provides both U.S. and Allied Military Services with experienced and qualified personnel to execute aerospace maintenance, training, and logistics management services.