March 27, 2014
We are pleased to share with you that two outstanding PKL employees on the VMFAT-101 contract at MCAS Miramar recently received Certificates of Commendation.
Both Norman Poche and Jeff Leyendecker were awarded the commendations for their “superb mentorship, technical knowledge, and problem solving expertise.”

It is the devoted employees like Norman and Jeff who make PKL successful. We commend them on their awards and thank them for their outstanding performance!
March 21, 2014
We are excited to announce that PKL will be presented with the SBA’s 2014 District Director’s Award for 8(a) Early Graduation!
In the course of growing our business, we graduated out of the SBA 8(a) program ahead of schedule! The Director’s Award for Early Graduation recognizes us for the “outstanding growth and accomplishments” of our business within the 8(a) business development program.
We are excited to be presented with this award and look forward to the annual Small Business Awards Breakfast for the award presentation on June 11, 2014.
February 5, 2014
Yesterday, after 5 years of dedicated commitment to our NAVAIR RESET contract, we had to say goodbye to a number of our employees from Camp Pendleton, CA; Cherry Point, NC; and New River, NC. These employees worked diligently to ensure contract requirements were met, and often exceeded. Their professionalism defines the company we have become.
Though it is a reality of the industry in which we work, it is never easy to watch a contract end and to have to watch dedicated employees leave the company.
We can, however, thank them for their years of hard work and exceptional performance.
And not only do we acknowledge and appreciate the commitment our employees have exhibited, but our customers do too.
Our Camp Pendleton employees were treated to a ceremony and breakfast where they were presented with Letters of Appreciation from the squadron Commanding Officer, LtCol Valdez.

Here is the Letter of Appreciation for our employees from the Commanding Officer of the Marine Medium Helicopter Training Squadron 164 at Camp Pendleton.

Once again, thank you all for everything!
January 15, 2014
One of our dedicated and hard-working employees on the VMFAT-101 contract at MCAS Miramar was recently awarded a certificate of commendation for his outstanding performance.
David Conklin was recognized for his “outstanding performance of duty as technical directive coordinator”. It was his “distinctive accomplishments, professionalism, and steadfast devotion to duty” that earned him this award.

Thank you to David for his continued dedication to his job, the U.S. Marine Corps, and PKL Services!