Archive for 2013
March 14, 2013
Our PKL HMM-164 RESET team has been recognized for their performance on this contract. We would like to commend and thank the following employees for their hard work and dedication, as recognized by the Government:
- Sylvester Waters
- Tom Healy
- Fred Archuleta
- Rudy Arreola
- Tim Burge
- Mike Chaney
- Tony Gomez
- Jose Juan
- Jay Laguna
- Poe Lam Yuen
- Mike Latham
- Justin Luening
- David Lutz
- Theron Nash
- Arnel Pilapil
- Gary Ragat
- Adrian Skolota
- Brian Stilson
- Jeramine Warner
- Marcus Wood
These employees were all recognized for their relentless work ethic while servicing the CH-46E contract. The Commanding Officer expressed gratitude for the superb job each employee performed and for their attention to detail. The result of these employees” hard work allowed the squadron to safely operate from multiple locations flying 334 sorties and accumulating 425.5 flight
We share the Commanding Officer”s gratitude to these dedicated PKL employees. Good work team!
February 25, 2013
We would like to formally thank our Hawaii employee, Alberto Vargas, for his heroic efforts to assist in the capture of a car thief last week. Alberto happened to be in the same place where a suspected car thief crashed a stolen car and fled the scene. Alberto immediately approached the vehicle and attempted to shut off the engine to protect bystanders but was unable to do so because the vehicle had been hot-wired. Realizing that the person who fled was likely the thief, Alberto chased down the suspect, cornering him at the same time two Hawaii PD officers arrived on scene. With Alberto”s assistance, the police officers were able to subdue and arrest the suspect.
You can view the local news story here
Thank you, Alberto, for taking swift action and protecting those around you!
February 22, 2013
Congratulations to all our CH53 team members in Afghanistan!
Each of the following employees were awarded letters of appreciation for their work from the Command Officer of HMH-361, Lieutenant Colonel Holtermann.
- John Abend
- Thomas Cole
- Franklin Fentzlaff
- Rich Hinman
- Mike Hite
- Maggie Hundshamer
- Johnny Nelson
- Eric Nyberg
- Austin Premdas
- Brian Tuite
- Dan Skeens
- Bobby Workman
Each employee was provided with a Certificate of Appreciation with the following acknowledgement:
For your unselfish dedication to duty during Operation Enduring Freedom 12.2 aboard Camp Bastion, Afghanistan. Your steadfast performance contributed to the overall success of the squadron mission, and the success of 3D Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward). Your hard work, technical acumen, and attention to detail played a vital part in the sqaudron’s ability to operate at such a high level. Your contributions are noted and are greatly appreciated.
We would like to reiterate our appreciation for our hard-working and dedicated employees! You are what makes PKL successful! Thank you.
February 21, 2013
PKL Services has provided a Diamond level sponsorship to the Costa Mesa American Little League Team. The donation will help to sponsor less privileged players; refurbish and maintain baseball fields; provide quality bats, balls, and equipment; and provide funds for facility improvements.
Opening Day for the team is March 2nd, 2013. For more information on the team and their schedule, please visit their website:

We wish you a successful 2013 season!

February 1, 2013
Our PKL H-1 team at Cherry Point, NC just completed a phase on UH-1N, BuNo 160455. This is the last Phase on a UH-1N for the active duty Marine Squadrons. HMLA-467 will start to transition to the Yankee’s next month. According to HMLA-467, they are the last active duty squadron that has UH-1N’s, and this will be the last phase inspection we do on a Huey.
Program Manager Pete Vickery spent 20 years of his Marine Corps life and 13 years of retired life working with these aircraft. Many of our employees have also reminisced over their years working with the Hueys.
Thanks guys for all your hard work and dedication to this aircraft!

January 30, 2013
We would like to congratulate our Camp Pendleton, CA and Cherry Point, NC Teams for achieving an Injury Free Workplace for the 2012 calendar year. Led by Al Hernandez, Gary Ragat, Reggie Mukherjee, and Jared Wait the teams had a very successful year and maintained their safety standards, ensuring that the employees avoided any injuries.
As a reward for their dedication to safety, PKL provided each of the teams with a pizza luncheon. Mr. Hernandez thanked our CEO saying “Everyone enjoyed it and appreciated how PKL takes care of their personnel.”
Thank you to every PKL employee on the teams for a great year!

January 29, 2013
We know our employees make our company great. Without their hard work and dedication, we would not succeed. We appreciate the opportunity to showcase our employees hard at work supporting our customers.
We recently visited our employees at MCAS Miramar in San Diego, CA. We have approximately 150 personnel working on our RESET and VMFAT-101 contracts at this location. Our teams at Miramar perform aerospace maintenance service and logistics support for the U.S. Marine Corps working on rotary wing aircraft, including the CH-53E helicopter, and fixed wing aircraft, including the FA-18 A/B/C/D. We are grateful for their exceptional work and thank them for their dedication to PKL!
For more photos of our employees, please visit our Facebook page:

January 15, 2013
The local San Diego media are reporting on our recent contract award for the Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 training contract. The details of the contract and coverage of PKL Services is published in the following articles:
San Diego Business Journal
Subscribers can view the online journal article here
Or you can view the PDF of the article here
San Diego Union Tribune
View the online article here
PKL Services, Inc. has been awarded a contract by the US Air Force (USAF), in support of the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF), beginning January 2013. PKL will provide services to train personnel in aircraft maintenance and logistics specialties for RSAF F-15 C/D/S model aircraft. Services will be provided in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at RSAF base facilities: King Khalid Air Base, Khamis Mushayt Air Base, and King Abdul Aziz Air Base.
Services provided by the contract include providing training to produce qualified technicians in assigned specialties and providing Upgrade Training for technicians. Areas of training and specialties include Avionics, Tactical Aircraft Maintenance, Propulsion, Electrical, Armament Systems, Aerospace Ground Equipment, Egress, Fuels, Hydraulics, and Maintenance Management. PKL will provide instructors and training to include academic and classroom style teaching as well as hands-on Upgrade Training to provide the students with the necessary skills to independently operate aircraft systems, subsystems, and related support equipment. For this contract, PKL will employ approximately 93 skilled instructors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
President and CEO, Samuel Flores, Jr. announced the award, saying “Our team is very excited to partner with the Royal Saudi Air Force. We are honored to have been awarded this contract and we are proud to bring our aerospace experience to the students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.”
January 10, 2013
An article was written and published recently on DVIDS discussing the ways in which MCAS Miramar stays safety smart. Written by Lance Cpl. Christopher Johns, the article highlights the types of safety training that supervisors must complete. During his tour of the site Lance Cpl. Johns took photos of Marines and Contractors working on the aircraft. We are pleased to share that our hard-working (and safety conscious!) employee, Blair Hencratt was one of the people photographed for the article.
Thank you Blair for taking safety seriously! You are a great example of our outstanding employees.

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