Archive for 2013
December 17, 2013
Our very own Mike Naylor was invited to Ramona High School to speak to NJROTC cadets about careers in the military.

Mike told the cadets stories of his own life, from living on a farm in Pennsylvania to flying Marine One for George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.
Mixing in a variety of life lessons and stories, Mike invited the cadets to ask themselves both what they want to be when they grow up, and also who they want to be. One of his big points was to remind the students to work hard at every job they have.
“No matter what the job, do your best until you find a job you really like. When you find a job you really enjoy then you don’t have a job you have a career.”

We thank Mike Naylor for his commitment to educating and supporting future military leaders in our community!
December 1, 2013
We are happy to share the Thanksgiving festivities that our PKL employees coordinated in Saudi Arabia. Bringing together contractors from around the world, the group celebrated a traditional Thanksgiving day and enjoyed a generous feast!
In the words of our Program Manager, Paul King:
“In cooperation with active duty Air Force personnel, we put together a Thanksgiving dinner for over 125 people on the compound. PKL employees contributed their own money to make this happen and provided set-up, tear-down and cooking for the festivities. The leads on this were Jomar Rivera Rosa and Dwight Brooks with Leo Babich and other guys pitching in. It was a great event and all American, British and French contractors on the compound shared an American tradition and raved about the event.”
Thank you to all of our dedicated and considerate PKL employees for putting together such a wonderful event!

November 4, 2013
It was another great year to celebrate Halloween at PKL. With costumes, a pumpkin carving contest, and a gingerbread haunted house, our Corporate staff put on quite the event!
Here are some pictures and highlights from the day.

Your PKL HR Team all dressed up!

And Sam debating which part of the gingerbread house to eat first!

The winner of the pumpkin carving contest!
August 9, 2013
We are happy to share this latest Letter of Appreciation that our PKL team received from the HMH-361 Maintenance Department.
Aircraft Maintenance Officer Davenport thanked our team for their exceptional support, sincere dedication, and the ability to deliver exceptional results. Our team was credited with contributing to 40 mishap free flight hours and 29 sorties on two CH-53 Super Stallion Aircraft.

We are proud of our team at Miramar for providing exceptional service to our Marines and our customer. Great work!
July 11, 2013
Our team in Idaho keeps growing! These hard-working employees are dedicated to the success of our Republic of Singapore contract and are key to the success of PKL as a whole. They are a highly skilled group of people!

June 24, 2013
We would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our RESET contract team lead, Bobby Workman. While in Afghanistan, overseeing our team deployed there, Bobby ensured that our team adhered to tight deadlines and quality work. Bobby was personally thanked by the commanding officer of HMLA 469 for his dedication. The Commanding Officer presented Bobby with a handwritten letter of appreciation and a USMC coin.

Thank you, Bobby, for your continued dedication to and leadership of our team!
June 21, 2013
Recently, PKL acquired a second building to accommodate our Corporate staff. We are very fortunate to be a growing company and we outgrew our current headquarters building. We were able to secure another building right across the parking lot. As we processed the changes and moved people from one building to another, the inevitable question of how we would refer to each building arose. Based on geography, the new building started being referred to as PKL North. The name stuck, and now our original building is officially referred to as PKL South.

June 5, 2013
PKL Services, Inc. has grown significantly over the last 10 years! Originally founded in 2003, PKL was based at MCAS Miramar and our few staff members worked in vans on the base. At the time, we had just a few employees working in our Corporate capacity. Now we have grown to over 20 employees in our Corporate offices and we are spread over two office buildings!
We thank all of our employees, past and present, who have helped us grow successfully over the last 10 years. We look forward to a bright future and more growth ahead!

May 8, 2013
We have officially started work on our newest contract, in Saudi Arabia. The first round of employees have arrived and are getting settled into their new positions. We enjoy hearing the stories of their new adventures and seeing the progress that they are making.

We are happy to welcome these newest team members to PKL!
Another round of employees will be heading over to join this group later this month. We wish them all safe travels and are excited to see our team grow!
May 6, 2013
Our Corporate staff celebrated Cinco de Mayo in style this year! A potluck with contributions from all the staff fed everyone a healthy dose of Mexican food. Everyone got in the spirit, sporting sombreros and enjoying the variety of food and desserts.

More photos are available on our Facebook page.
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